

Elwood goes back to school

Frankton native, Chamber collaborate on mask initiative for local businesses


Victims in crash during police chase identified

Mystery seeds show up in county

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Báez's single in 11th gives Cubs 2-1 win over Pirates

Madison County: Aug. 2
Cases: 842
Tested: 10,513
24-hour increases: 9 cases, 0 deaths
MAD Life

Students, alumni clamor to take care of university's cows

Today in History: Aug. 2
Go MAD: Aug. 3
Go MAD: Aug. 2
Jail Log: Aug. 1
Podcasts produced by The Herald Bulletin newsroom.
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Leonhard wins Senior Showmanship

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Anderson Public Library

Chip sealing on County Road 400S
Chip sealing on County Road 400S
Photo Galleries

PHOTOS: Pendleton Heights Graduation

PHOTOS: Shenandoah graduation 2020

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Online Poll
Have you ever written a thank-you note to a teacher?

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ELLIOTT, Alyssa Feb 6, 1985 - Jul 31, 2020

NABB, Carolyn Feb 24, 1935 - Jul 31, 2020
Funeral Services: Aug. 1

TYNER, Frederick undefined, 1930 - undefined, 2020

MONDAY, Verlin Aug 2, 1940 - Jul 7, 2020

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Previewing the fall sports season for Alexandria
Area schools react to Marion County uncertainty
Rob Hunt column: Area ADs earning their pay and then some
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Rob Loose column: Planning a graveside service during a pandemic
'Big Joe' Clark column: Why checklists are critical in making a decision
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Study advocates government involvement in revitalizing state's tourism industry
Caesars officials still intent on improvements at Hoosier Park
PNC closing downtown Anderson branch
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Sports Indiana

Colts Notebook: Taylor makes strong initial impression
Warren scores career-high 53 as Pacers beat 76ers 127-121
Colts Notebook: Three-linebacker sets could be more common this year
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Across Indiana

Michael Hicks: Poor COVID response pushes us to depression's edge

Stoney's Sourdough Pizza Co. inks deal to sell its bread at Kroger

ISU homecoming activities canceled
Special Projects

Third annual THB Sports Awards
Seventeen awards, including the first Carl Erskine Humanitarian Award, were presented during the third annual THB Sports Awards. For the first time, the awards program was an virtual event because of coronavirus precautions.

Graduation 2020
In the Graduation 2020 special section, The Herald Bulletin celebrates seniors at Alexandria, Anderson, Anderson Preparatory Academy, Daleville, Elwood, Frankton, Indiana Christian Academy, Lapel, Liberty Christian, Madison-Grant, Pendleton Heights and Shenandoah. Good luck to the Class of 2…

Hoops in the Hoosier State
CNHI Sports Indiana's special report on the changes in high school basketball explores factors driving those changes and what might be done to stop the shrinking attendance and dwindling participation in a four-part series published through April.

Annual Report 2020: How the county fared in the past year
Stories of important news and growth since the start of 2019 across the county in business, education, government and other sectors.
Magazine Stand

Madison Life & Times
Stories of finding love and salvation with rescue pets.

Discover Magazine
Incredible good and products are made right here in Madison County.

Madison Life & Times
Anderson's downtown has undergone a transformation, with new places to eat, drink, shop and play.

Discover Magazine
Frazier's Dairy Maid celebrates 65 years and more to do in Madison County this summer
National News

Vulnerable eastern China areas evacuated ahead of typhoon

Global shares mixed amid coronavirus waves, recovery hopes

Islamic State attack on Afghan prison, killing 21, rages on

Report: Retired Pope Benedict XVI ill after visit to Germany

Thousands remain evacuated from Southern California wildfire

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